Tender No. |
Date of advertisement |
Date of Closing |
Gem Bid No-GEM/2024/B/5704954 Procurement of High End Desktop Computer (320 Nos.) |
10-01-2025 |
31-01-2025 |
NIQ NO: IIITDMJ/B&W/24/12/231
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Provision of steel work for remaining Drain cover, Door at
entrance and Garbage area cover at NR-III IIITDMJ.
Schedule of Quantities |
06-01-2025 |
21-01-2025 |
IIITDMJ/DSA/12/2024/786 Expression of interest
Last date has been extended till February 03, 2025.
27-12-2024 |
13-01-2024 |
Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) Psychology (Counsellor) [Position:01] |
09-12-2024 |
18-12-2024 |
BID NO: GEM/2024/B/5548656
Procurement of Answer sheets and Stationary items(Answer Copies, Pages, Envelopes, Letterhead, File, Drawing Sheets) |
29-10-2024 |
19-11-2024 |
NIQ NO: IIITDMJ/B&W/24/09/230
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Provision of Dump yard at back side of Admin block.
Schedule of Quantities |
05-09-2024 |
26-09-2024 |
BID NO: GEM/2024/B/4901422
Professional Training Services (Version 2) |
24-06-2024 |
15-07-2024 |
NIQ NO: IIITDMJ/B&W/24/06/229
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Providing and fixing SS sink and SS duct at Central Mess.
Schedule of Quantities |
19-06-2024 |
03-07-2024 |
NIQ NO: IIITDMJ/B&W/24/06/228
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Making shed with pre-coated GI profile sheet infront of shop(05 Nos.) near Hall-1.
Schedule of Quantities |
11-06-2024 |
02-07-2024 |
EOI No.:IIITDMJ/PCC/IPR/2024/01 Invitation of Expression of Interest (EOI) Empanelment of Intellectual Property Firms. Corrigendum 1(The last date & time of EOI 28.06.2024 )
EoI Minutes
Corrigendum 2
03.06.2024 |
21.06.2024 |
NIQ NO: IIITDMJ/B&W/24/05/227
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- SITC of 33KV outdoor type VCB breaker in 33kv yard for Power House at PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur.
Schedule of Quantities |
02-05-2024 |
13-05-2024 |
Expression of Interest(EOI) - Empanelment of Book Suppliers/distributors/publishers Opening of Financial Bids of Empanelment of book suppliers/distributors/publishers
29.04.2024 |
30.05.2024 |
Gem Bid No-GEM/2023/B/4035810 Intimation of "Presentation" regarding Mess Tendering Process |
29.02.2024 |
EOI No.:IIITDMJ/DSA/EOI/2024/02/188 Expression of Interest (EOI) for running of: 1. Non-Veg & Breakfast Corner 2. Grocery Shop 3. Fruits & Fruit Juice/Vegetables 4. Stationary Shop 5. Tea/Coffee Shop
| Hindi Version |
14.02.2024 |
01.03.2024 |
NIQ NO: IIITDMJ/B&W/24/01/224
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Making Pathway with Paver Block from Powerhouse to Girl's Hostel at PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur.
Schedule of Quantities Corrigendum 1(The last date & time of submission of bid 01.04.2024 upto 03:00 PM) |
07-02-2024 |
05-03-2024 |
NIQ NO: IIITDMJ/B&W/24/01/225
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Repairing & Servicing of 11KV HT Panel installed at
Powerhouse (Make: ABB). The tentative items for repair
are mentioned in the attached scheduled}
Schedule of Quantities |
16-01-2024 |
23-01-2024 |
Tender No:IIITDMJ/P&S/Enq/2023-24/001
Tender Document for Empanelment of Medicine Supplier. |
28-08-2023 |
Bid Document of Medicine Empanelment |
20.09.2023 |
Expression of Interest (EOI) for Empanelment of Laundry Services Providers at PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur | Hindi Version |
28.06.2023 |
12.07.2023 |
Expression of Interest (EOI) for Running Barber Shop | Hindi Version |
07.06.2023 |
23.06.2023 |
NIT No.: IIITDMJ/Tender/2022/09/68 (Second Call)
Due to administrative reasons the tender has been cancelled |
22.02.2023 |
31.03.2023 |
Expression of Interest (EOI) for Running of Grocery Shop, Non-Veg Point, Fruit Juice Corner, Tea-Coffee Shop, and Stationery Shop near Hall-1 of IIITDM Jabalpur |
03.02.2023 |
21.02.2023 |
Expression of Interest (EOI) for contracting of E-Rickshaw services. | Hindi Version |
16.12.2022 |
10.02.2023 |
Expression of Interest (EOI) for running the Hexagonal Canteen. | Hindi Version |
06.12.2022 |
16.12.2022 |
Expression of Interest for Empanelment of Suppliers/Stockists/Chemists for supply of Allopathic Medicines and Consumables |
10.10.2022 |
31.10.2022 |
NIT No.: PDPM IIITDMJ/Tender/2022/08/68
E-Tender Document
Corrigendum Pre-Bid Clarification |
26.09.2022 |
01.11.2022 |
Empanelment of Book Suppliers/distributors/publishers Opening of Financial Bids of Empanelment of book suppliers/distributors/publishers |
29.08.2022 |
30.09.2022 |
E-Tender for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Library Management Software (KOHA) alongwith Server and Complete RFID System for the PDPM-IIITDM Jabalpur LIBRARY |
22-08-2022 |
23-09-2022 |
Tender No:IIITDMJ/Tender/2022/07/177
Tender Document for Group Personal Accidental Insurance Policies for Registered Students |
16-07-2022 |
28-07-2022 |
Expression of Interest (EOI) for running the Hostel Canteen.
Last date for submission of bids is 11 July 2022 Interview date is 12 July 2022. Please read Hall of Residence in place of Hall of Residence -IV as mentioned in Annexure-3. |
23.06.2022 |
11.07.2022 |
Tender No:IIITDMJ/tender/2022/06/122
Tender Document for Group Mediclaim Policy for Students Last date for Submission of Bid has been extended till 30.06.2022 Minutes of Pre-Bid meeting held on 21-06-2022 |
13-06-2022 |
27-06-2022 |
Tender No:IIITDMJ/tender/2022/06/121
Tender Document for Group Personal Accidental Insurance Policies for Registered Students Last date for Submission of Bid has been extended till 30.06.2022 Minutes of Pre-Bid meeting held on 21-06-2022
Due to administrative reasons TENDER FOR GROUP PERSONAL ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE has been cancelled.. |
13-06-2022 |
27-06-2022 |
NIQ NO: IIITDMJ/B&W/22/02/210
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Providing & Fixing granite wall lining at the side of opening of lift at Maa Saraswati Hostel & Panini Hostel (Block-B) at IIITDM Jabalpur.
Schedule of Quantities |
16-02-2022 |
25-02-2022 |
NIeT No: IIITDMJ/Tender/Security/02/2022/66
E-Tender Document for Security Services at PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur Corrigendum |
03-02-2022 |
28-02-2022 |
NIQ NO: IIITDMJ/B&W/22/01/209
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Providing & Fixing granite on sitting platform at Aryabhatt Hostel (Hall-3).
Schedule of Quantities |
03-01-2022 |
20-01-2022 |
Expression of Interest (EOI) for running the Hexagonal Canteen. |
30.09.2021 |
22.10.2021 |
NIQ NO: IIITDMJ/B&W/21/08/207
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- C/o. Boundary wall with MS structure at nala near Primary Health Centre of PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur.
Schedule of Quantities |
26-08-2021 |
08-09-2021 |
NIT No. IIITDMJ/B&W/21/01/200
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Supply & Installation of modular kitchen in the flats of Rewa Residency (Block A&B) of PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur.
MoM of Pre bid meeting held on July 13th, 2021 |
20-07-2021 |
NIT No. IIITDMJ/B&W/21/06/206
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Supply & Installation cupboard in the flats of Rewa Residency (Block A&B) of IIITDM Jabalpur.
MoM of Pre bid meeting held on July 13th, 2021 _ Cupboard |
20-07-2021 |
NIQ NO: IIITDMJ/B&W/21/04/203 (Second Call)
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Repairing & Servicing of 06 Nos. 7.5TR multi split AC Unit
at Core Lab Complex at PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur. (Make:
Schedule of Quantities |
07-07-2021 |
19-07-2021 |
NIQ NO: IIITDMJ/B&W/21/04/203
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Repairing & Servicing of 06 Nos. 7.5TR multi split AC Unit at CoreLab Complex at PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur. (Make: Carrier)
Schedule of Quantities |
07-04-2021 |
19-04-2021 |
Enquiry No. IIITDMJ/P&S/2020-21/Enq./10
Invitation of Tender/Quotation for the Supply of UV/VIS/NIR spectrophotometer
(01 no.) |
01.03.2021 |
16.03.2021 |
NIT No. IIITDMJ/B&W/21/01/200 Supply and Installation of modular kitchen in the flats of Rewa Residency (Block A&B) of PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur (MP)
MoM of Pre bid meeting held on July 13th, 2021
MoM of Pre bid meeting held on February 17th, 2021 |
NIT No. IIITDMJ/B&W/21/01/199 Supply Installation Testing & Commissioning of 02 Nos. 08 Passenger lift in Girl's Hostel at IIITDM Jabalpur (MP)
Decisions on issues raised during Pre bid meeting
(held on February 16th, 2021 |
Enquiry No. IIITDMJ/P&S/2020-21/Enq./07
Invitation of Tender/Quotation for the Supply of LCR Meter 4 Hz to 8 MHz or
more (01 Nos.) |
29.12.2020 |
14.01.2021 |
Enquiry No. : IIITDMJ/P&S/2020-21/Enq/09
Invitation of Tender/Quotation for the Supply of following items:
A. Vertical Milling Machine (01 no.) CORRIGENDUM 1
CORRIGENDUM 2 Note:The last date & time of submission of bid 30.03.2021 upto 03:00 PM. |
29.12.2020 |
14.01.2021 |
NIT No. IIITDMJ/B&W/20/11/198
Name of work: Supply and installation of office furniture for LHTC at IIITDM Jabalpur (MP)
SH: Supply and installation of Class Room Furniture. Decisions on issues raised during Pre bid meeting held on December 09th, 2020 |
Enquiry No. : IIITDMJ/P&S/2020-21/Enq/08
Invitation of Tender/Quotation for the Supply of Freezer Dryer (01 Nos.)
(01 no.) |
03.12.2020 |
21.12.2020 |
Enquiry No. IIITDMJ/P&S/2020-21/Enq./06
Invitation of Tender/Quotation for the Supply of UV/VIS/NIR spectrophotometer
(01 no.) |
24.11.2020 |
10.12.2020 |
Enquiry No. IIITDMJ/P&S/2020-21/Enq./05
Invitation of Tender/Quotation for the Supply of Vacuum Chamber and Vacuum Pump |
23.10.2020 |
06.11.2020 |
Enquiry No. IIITDMJ/P&S/2020-21/Enq./04
Invitation of Tender/Quotation for the Supply of Customized Microwave Furnace (01 Nos.) Corrigendum Note: The extended date is 22.12.2020 before 03:00pm
for receiving the tender. |
21.10.2020 |
20.11.2020 |
Enquiry No. IIITDMJ/P&S/2020-21/Enq./03
Invitation of Tender/Quotation for the Supply of Freezer Dryer (01 Nos.) |
05.10.2020 |
21.10.2020 |
E-Tender Document for the Services of Manpower Outsourcing Corrigendum
||Pre-Bid Clarification|| |
17.09.2020 |
05.10.2020 |
Empanelment of Book Suppliers/distributors/publishers
Opening of Financial Bids of Empanelment of book suppliers/distributors/publishers |
10.08.2020 |
31.08.2020 |
Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Communication and Personality Development Training
Notice for extension of last date of Expression of Interest |
28.07.2020 |
31.08.2020 |
Enquiry No. IIITDMJ/P&S/2020-21/Enq./02 Invitation of Tender/Quotation for the Supply of Microsoft 365 Education A3 (60 Nos.) Note: The extended date is 04 August 2020 before 03:00pm
for receiving the tender. Corrigendum: Read Office 365 A3 for students use benefit (2000 No's) instead of Office 365 A3 for students (2000 No's) - in Annexure - I point no. 2 |
20.07.2020 |
27.07.2020 |
Expression of Interest (EOI) for Empanelment of Suppliers/Stockists/Chemists |
15.06.2020 |
03.07.2020 |
Tender Notice for "Disposal of Condemned Government Vehicle" | Hindi Version
Date of Opening of Tenders/Bids will be announced on the website after 31st March 2020.
Opening of Bids will be held on June 10, 2020 (02.00PM) at Administrative Block. |
06-03-2020 |
20-03-2020 |
Tender No:IIITDMJ/2020/02/62
Tender Document for Hiring of Bus
Pre-Bid Meeting_Clarification
Date of Opening of Tenders/Bids will be announced on the website after 31st March 2020.
Opening of Technical Bids will be held on June 15, 2020 (11.00AM) at Administrative Block. |
20-02-2020 |
20-03-2020 |
Tender No:IIITDMJ/Tender/2019-20/61
Invitation of Short Term Tender For Food Arrangements During Inter IIIT Sports Meet-2020 |
17-02-2020 |
26-02-2020 |
Tender No:IIITDMJ/P&S/2019-20/04
Tender Document for Library Management Software (KOHA) and Complete RFID System
Corrigendum |
12-02-2020 |
19-03-2020 |
NIQ NO: IIITDM/B&W/20/02/194
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Supplying and Applying of Unique sports all weather proof acrylic synthetic eight layers (3 mm thick) flooring system for Tennis Court of PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur.
Schedule of Quantities |
03-02-2020 |
14-02-2020 |
NIQ NO: IIITDM/B&W/20/01/192
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Providing and Fixing Carpet in 600 capacity lecture hall in LHTC building.
Schedule of Quantities |
20-01-2020 |
03-02-2020 |
NIQ NO: IIITDM/B&W/19/12/191
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Providing and Fixing Carpet in 600 capacity lecture hall in
LHTC building.
Schedule of Quantities |
27-12-2019 |
02-01-2020 |
NIQ NO: IIITDM/B&W/19/12/189
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Supplying and Applying of Unique sports all weather proof acrylic synthetic eight layers (3 mm thick) flooring system for Basketball Court (outdoor) at PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur.
Schedule of Quantities |
13-12-2019 |
30-12-2019 |
NIQ NO: IIITDM/B&W/19/12/188
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Preparing of play ground with selection grass at PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur.
Schedule of Quantities |
10-12-2019 |
24-12-2019 |
/19/11/184 and IIITDMJ/B&W
- C/o. Balance work of PG
Hostel (Phase-II) (Civil
& Electrical) at PDPM
IIITDM Jabalpur for
making the building
- Chain link fencing
around Rewa Residency-
2 at IIITDM Jabalpur
22-11-2019 |
12-12-2019 |
Tender No:IIITDMJ/2019/11/60
Tender Document for Hiring of Bus |
19-11-2019 |
16-12-2019 |
NIQ NO: IIITDM/B&W/19/11/183
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- P/F Non A. C. sheets partition work for making faculty chamber in Design lab (FF) of LHTC building
Schedule of Quantities |
06-11-2019 |
02-12-2019 |
NIQ NO: IIITDM/B&W/19/10/181
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Hiring of water tanker for watering to tree plants for one year (excluding rainy season).
Schedule of Quantities
Corrigendum |
29-10-2019 |
12-11-2019 |
NIQ NO: IIITDM/B&W/19/10/180
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Replacement of damaged wall tiles and miscellaneous repairing works in the wash area of Mess & Dining Hall of PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur.
Schedule of Quantities |
17-10-2019 |
04-11-2019 |
NIQ NO: IIITDM/B&W/19/09/179
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- P/F Aluminum window shutters with SS fly proof wire gauge at Hall of Residence-I of PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur.
- P/F of ACP sheet on duct covers in LHTC building at PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur.
Schedule of Quantities 1
Schedule of Quantities 2 |
30-09-2019 |
04-11-2019 |
Tender No:IIITDMJ/P&S/2019-20/03 Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Institute Automation System
11.10.2019 |
04.11.2019 |
Opening of Financial Bids of Empanelment of book suppliers/distributors/publishers |
04-10-2019 |
15-10-2019 |
Expression of Interest for Hiring of CA |
04-10-2019 |
14-10-2019 |
NIQ NO: IIITDM/B&W/19/09/178
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Chain link fencing around Rewa Residency-2 at IIITDM Jabalpur
Schedule of Quantities
Corrigendum |
19-09-2019 |
10-10-2019 |
Tender No:IIITDMJ/2019/08/59 Tender Document for Hiring of Bus | Hindi
Pre-Bid Clarification |
23-08-2019 |
16-09-2019 |
Tender No:IIITDMJ/P&S/2019-20/02
Tender document for Rate Contract of Furniture items Date & time of Pre-Bid is 04.09.2019 at 4:00 PM
Clarification on pre-bid meeting held on 04-09-2019 |
23-08-2019 |
16-09-2019 |
NIQ NO: IIITDM/B&W/19/08/177
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Procurement of 02 nos. 11 KV indoor trolley type VCB for existing 11 KV HT panel (ABB make) at Substation.
Schedule of Quantities |
20-08-2019 |
30-08-2019 |
NIQ NO: IIITDM/B&W/19/07/174
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Chain link fencing around Rewa Residency-2 at IIITDM Jabalpur
Schedule of Quantities
23-07-2019 |
10-09-2019 |
NIQ NO: IIITDM/B&W/19/08/176
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Miscellaneous works at Hall of Residence-I of PDPMIIITDM Jabalpur.
Schedule of Quantities |
02-08-2019 |
30-08-2019 |
Tender No:IIITDMJ/P&S/2019-20/OILL/01 Tender Document for OFC Internet Leased Line (OILL) Note: The extended date is 26/08/2019 before 03:00pm
for receiving the tender. |
08-08-2019 |
16-08-2019 |
NIQ NO: IIITDM/B&W/19/07/175
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Procurement of 02 nos. Aluminum ladders and 01 no. Aluminum scaffolding for electrical maintenance work of the Institute.
Schedule of Quantities |
23-07-2019 |
02-08-2019 |
IIITDMJ/Tender/Empanelment/2019-20/7/57 Empanelment of Book Suppliers/distributors/publishers | Hindi |
16.07.2019 |
08.08.2019 |
Tender Document Group Personal Accidental Insurance Policy for Registered Students Note: The extended date is 05/08/2019 before 03:00pm
for receiving the tender. |
10-07-2019 |
29-07-2019 |
Expression of Interest (EOI) for running the Hexagon Canteen |
03.07.2019 |
18.07.2019 |
Invitation of tender for Central Mess, Mess I & II |
27-06-2019 |
12-07-2019 |
Tender Document (RFP) of Empanelment of Intellectual Property (IP) Firms
Note: The extended date of Bid Submission End Date till 3:00 pm of 19/8/2019 and Technical Bid Opening Date till 4:00 pm of 19/8/2019. Addendum |
25-06-2019 |
24-07-2019 |
NIQ NO: IIITDM/B&W/19/06/171
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Hiring of JCB for cutting bushes and shrubs on the different area of Institute at IIITDM Jabalpur.
Schedule of Quantities |
18-06-2019 |
28-06-2019 |
NIQ NO: IIITDM/B&W/19/06/173
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Supply of aluminum circular tube and snap beading for PG hostel (Ph-II).
Schedule of Quantities |
19-06-2019 |
28-06-2019 |
Tender No:IIITDMJ/Tender/2019/06/53 Tender document for Group Mediclaim Policy for Students.
Note: The extended date is 17 July 2019 before 03:00pm
for receiving the tender. |
19-06-2019 |
10-07-2019 |
NIQ NO: IIITDM/B&W/18/06/172
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Fixing of available Aluminum window frames and shutters (Glass & Wire gauge) in Block A (approx. 40 windows)of PG hostel (Ph-II).
Schedule of Quantities
Corrigendum |
18-06-2019 |
26-06-2019 |
NIT NO: IIITDM/B&W/19/06/170
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Painting (Internal & External) work of Hall
of Residence-III of PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur
- Painting (Internal & External) work of Hall
of Residence-IV of PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur
- Painting (Internal & External) work of Hall
of Residence-I of PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur.
- P/F Concertina coil fencing to raise the
height of existing brick masonry and RCC
boundary wall of PDPMIIITDM Jabalpur.
Schedule of Quantities A |
Schedule of Quantities B |
Schedule of Quantities C |
Schedule of Quantities D
Corrigendum |
10-06-2019 |
09-07-2019 |
NIQ NO: IIITDM/B&W/19/05/169
Sealed tender are hereby invited for :
- Miscellaneous works in toilets at Hall of Residence-IV.
- P/F flushing valve (auto closing) in the place of sensor in toilets of Hall of Residence-I.
- Miscellaneous works at Hall of Residence-I of PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur.
- Removing of existing urinal sensor & fixing of manual flushing valve in toilets of Hall of Residence-III.
- Repairing, Painting & Water proofing of Sub-Station of PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur.
Schedule of Quantities |
27-05-2019 |
24-06-2019 |
Tender Documents for Hiring of Security Services May 2019
31.05.2019 |
24.06.2019 |
Expression Of Interest for Hair Salon at Hall -1
15.05.2019 |
14.06.2019 |
Tender Document for Hiring of Chartered Accountant |
10-05-2019 |
28-05-2019 |
Expression Of Interest (EOI) for ATM | Hindi |
20.05.2019 |