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Natural Sciences are the integral part of IIITDM Jabalpur since its inception. The fields of Natural Sciences, already integrate various other disciplines of the Institute with some emerging fields such as Materials engineering, Nanomaterials, Biomedical Physics, Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing, Image processing etc. Moreover the applications of various science and technology based knowledge emerges out of Natural Sciences.
The basic purpose of interdisciplinary curriculum of the Institute is expanding the knowledge and applications overlapping different fields of experts. Learning process cannot be restricted to a limited space and therefore Natural Sciences coupled with other disciplines to follow the same. The intellectual growth through liberal education would fulfill the desire of satisfaction qualitatively rather than quantitatively. Research and development is the key to future generation and prosperity of a nation through an academic Institution with interdisciplinary curriculum. The source of basic science knowledge is the foundation of all other disciplines inventions as well as applications. Having Physics and Mathematics as an integral part of the UG & PG curriculum directly play an important role in the growth of research and development at IIITDM Jabalpur.
PhysicsPhysics sub-discipline of IIIT Jabalpur is presently engaged in high quality teaching at the B.Tech. and pre-PhD levels. Faculty members here conduct cutting-edge research at the forefront of areas of present scientific interest such as nanomaterials and their applications, semiconductors thin films and devices, ion beam modifications of materials, perovskite solar cells, magnetic and multiferroic materials, computational physics, 2-D materials, molecular biophysics, just to name a few. The research activities of the discipline are recognized and funded by renowned government agencies like DST, SERB, CSIR, BRNS, IUAC, UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research.
MathematicsThe Discipline offers Ph.D programme in recent areas of Mathematical sciences. Some of the major areas are Numerical analysis, High order computational methods for PDEs, Probability theory and topological study in wireless networks, Image processing, Optimization techniques, Applied functional analysis, Integral equations and Mathematical modeling on Bio-fluid dynamics. The Faculty members of the discipline are highly motivated and dedicated to build a “Center of Excellence” in cutting edge research in view of the recent requirements of the industry and society.
Those students who are self motivated for research in Mathematics and having a good academic record are advised to apply for Ph.D programme.