Call for Project Proposals

Name of the Scheme

Sponsoring Agency

Scheme Description

Last Date to Apply

Online Link

Collaboration for DRDO funded research projects for defense application DRDO-Industry-Academia Center of Excellence (DIA-CoE) at IIT Jodhpur

Desert Warfare Technology: Polymer and prefab based rapid construction technology, Visual Intelligence (SAR Imaging), Desert Soldier, Power Budget and Wet Systems, Flexible solar cell and battery, Microwave Harnessing, PCM based cooling Technology, terrain Simulation and Terrain Modelling, Microbot for Desert  Surveillance, AIOT based water monitoring technology etc.
Futuristic Omni Mobility Systems: Amphibious drones, Difficult terrain Mobility System etc.

AI for Information and Wargaming Technology: Collaborative agent modelling, Wargaming with UAV Swarm, Software models for decision support in Wargames, Adversarial modelling in wargaming, Modelling of Non-Contact warfare for wargaming, Man-Machine Interface, AI and ML techniques for after action review etc.
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Call for Proposals on Advanced Materials DST The Department of Science & Technology is pleased to announce the call for proposals under the scheme “Advanced Materials” under National Program for Nano Science and Technology (NPNST) to promote the basic research activities on the thrust research areas of advanced materials, R&D infrastructure/facilities confined to advanced materials research for meeting-up the highly increasing demand of these materials towards various sectors in the coming years. Considering the important role of advanced materials, this scheme encourages and supports to proposals on the basic, applied research and translational research for the development of products. Sep 30 2024 11:59PM (IST)
India Sri Lanka Joint Call for Workshop Proposal DST

The Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation Division, Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India renewed the Programme of Cooperation (PoC) in Science and Technology, on August 14th 2022. In terms of the PoC, funding can be made available for selected Joint S&T workshop proposals in bilateral mode involving scientist & technologists from India and Sri Lanka, in the following areas:
a.       Food Technology

b.      Plant base medicines

c.       Robotics & Automation

d.      Renewable Energy

e.       Waste Management

f.        Information and Communication Technology

g.      Sustainable Agriculture

h.      Aerospace Engineering

i.        Big data analysis

j.        Artificial intelligence

k.      Any other area of S&T with national relevance (with Justifications)

The Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation Division and DST (hereinafter referred to as the “Implementing Agencies”) hereby invite Indian and Sri Lankan scientists/researchers to submit proposals for Bilateral Workshops in any of the above areas in terms of the provisions herein set out.

Oct 15, 2024 11:59PM (IST)
British Academy visiting Fellowship The British Academy

Call has opened for British Academy Visiting Fellowship,

Visiting Fellowships illustrate the British Academy’s profound and on-going commitment to international engagement. The aim of this programme is to ensure that the UK remains an attractive, welcoming, and productive research environment for academics globally. Through this programme, the Academy aims to:


Enhance and build new links between scholars from around the globe and in the UK;

Foster opportunities and encourage the development of new and future partnerships for collaborative research into the humanities and social sciences

To enable academics from across the globe to undertake research and/or professional development with UK colleagues; And strengthen the UK’s research bases in the humanities and the social sciences.


Eligibility requirements:

Visiting Fellows must be of postdoctoral level or above, or have equivalent research experience at the time of application.

Candidates should be based outside of the UK at the time of application.

Applicants may be on permanent or fixed-term contracts. Fixed-term contracts must not end before the end date of the Visiting Fellowship.

Independent scholars are also welcome to apply.

23rd October, 2024
Joint Call for project proposals 2024 Indo Danish research and innovation cooperation in the area of Cutting edge hydrogen technologies DST The Department of Science and Technology (DST), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India and Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD) have announced this joint call for submission of project proposals in “Cutting-edge hydrogen technologies”. This is in pursuance of the Agreement of May 22, 2018 between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of Denmark on cooperation in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation, the Green Strategic Partnership between India and Denmark and the Detailed 5-Year Action Plan (2021-2026). 1st November, 2024

India Japan Science and Technology Cooperation DST The Department of Science and Technology DST, Ministry of Science Technology, Government of India, New Delhi and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science JSPS conduct the India-Japan Cooperative Science Programme-IJCSP to promote bilateral scientific collaboration between Indian and Japanese scientists. Applications are invited from eligible Indian researchers /scientists to submit proposals for Joint Research Projects and Joint Workshops/Seminars under IJCSP. The support is available under the scientific areas - a Physical Sciences b Chemical Sciences c Life Science and Agriculture d Mathematics and Computational Science e Astronomy and Earth Science f Materials Engineering September 3, 2024
India-EU Joint Call for Proposals DST India-EU Joint call is open in the area of Explainable and Robust AI (AI Data and Robotics Partnership) HORIZON-CL4-2024-HUMAN-03-02. The call focuses on developing trustworthy AI solutions that are robust, safe, reliable, and capable of providing meaningful explanations in real-world conditions. The focus is on extending the general applicability of explainability and robustness of AI-systems by foundational AI and machine learning research. September 27,2024
India Russia Joint Research Call DST Department of Science Technology DST, Government of India and Russian Science Foundation RSF invite active Indian and Russian scientists / researchers to submit proposals for Joint Research Project in the areas of 1.    New Materials; 2.    Clean energy; 3.    Smart healthcare and medicine; 4.    Safe food; 5.    Smart transport and telecommunications; 6.    Plant and Animal Bio-Technology; 7.    Artificial Intelligence; 8.    Earth Quake and Ocean Science. Under this Programme each project may receive annual funding of up to equivalent of US 100,000 in respective national currencies. October 31, 2024
Urban Climate Research and Extreme Events DST

The Climate Change Programme under the Department of Science & Technology (DST) is dedicated to tackling the complex issues posed by climate change through a variety of initiatives. These initiatives include Climate Change Science and Adaptation, Climate Modeling, Coastal Vulnerabilities, Himalayan Ecosystem, Glaciology, Human Capacity Building, Institutional Capacity Building, Vulnerabilities and Risks Assessment, Research & Development in thematic areas of Climate Change, Innovation and Technique Development, Sector-Specific Adaptation like Water, Agriculture, Health, Biodiversity and Ecosystems etc. As part of these efforts, DST is seeking proposals focused on Urban Climate Research and Extreme Events, acknowledging the specific and urgent climate challenges faced by India's urban areas.

Sep 19 2024 11:59PM (IST)

DAAD doctoral research fellowship program   Doctoral research fellowship program for pursuing doctoral research across German universities and institutions.
Jal Jeevan Mission ICCSR

The Jal Jeevan Mission is a pioneering initiative by the Government of India to ensure access to safe and adequate drinking water through individual household tap connections in rural India by 2024, aligning with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6) on the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

A comprehensive study to measure changes in access to clean water, improvements in health outcomes due to better water quality, and socio-economic impacts such as increased productivity and reduced healthcare costs is imperative for reaching the goal of Viksit Bharat by the year 2047. Empirical research based on an extensive survey can assess the mission's effectiveness at the ground level, evaluating progress, identifying challenges, and highlighting successful strategies employed in different regions to minimize the drinking water crisis and its overall impact on rural India.

Surveying stakeholders, including beneficiaries, local authorities, implementing agencies, and others, will help identify infrastructure gaps, operational challenges, and barriers to achieving universal water access in rural India. Such evidence-based research is vital for refining strategies and policies to address these issues effectively, with a focus on optimizing the implementation of the Jal Jeevan Mission.

The outcome of the study can improve governance structures, resource allocation, and the integration of sustainable practices to ensure long-term success. The study should aim to generate new knowledge about rural water supply and management practices, including indigenous knowledge and traditional water management systems. This knowledge can be disseminated through academic publications, policy briefs, seminars, and workshops, thereby contributing to the broader discourse on water governance, sustainability, and rural development.

15th September 2024

India UK Joint opportunity in Telecommunications Research:


This international joint funding opportunity will support projects to further develop and strengthen the network and research collaboration between UK-based and India-based researchers in the area of Future telecoms/ Networks.

The projects are intended to build on existing UK-India Future Network partnerships. Projects should have two project leads, one based at a UK research organization and one at an Indian research organization eligible for UKRI and DST funding respectively. This is an open funding opportunity to fund projects in Telecommunications, building India-UK collaborations with multi-institutional participation.

 Research areas:

• Private network

• Softwarisation of Networks

• Satellites (including as part of an interoperable network, in orbit mesh networks, backhaul etc)

• Future Services (ecommerce, AI / software, cloud and distributed compute etc.)

• Open Radio Access Networks (ORAN)

• Networking software and systems architecture

• Network of networks

• Cyber security across networks

• Spectrum innovation

• Resilient comms

• Sustainable communications (Net Zero)

• Sensor data across networks (e.g. waste management)

Sep 24 2024 11:59PM (IST)