Prof. Dr. Abhishek Gupta
MDS Orthodontics
Dept. of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics
Hitkarini Dental College & Hospital, India
Introduction of the Speaker
Abhishek Gupta is Senior Professor at Department of Orthodontics, Hitkarini Dental College & Hospital, India. He completed his postgraduate education in Orthodontics in 2010. He is Director of Healthy Smile Dental Clinic & Orthodontic Centre, India and Smile Studios Digital Dental Laboratory (Exclusive Centre for In-house Aligners & CAD CAM prosthesis) India. He is Principal Assessor for NABH accredition of Dental Hospital and Clinic, India since 2019 which is the highest Constituent Board of Quality Control in India .He is a Certified Invisalign Clear Aligner Provider and member of Indian & Saudi Orthodontic Society. He is Fellow of World Fellow Of Orthodontics and DHA ( Dubai Health Authority) licensed specialist Orthodontist.
17 February 2022
9:30 AM - 10:15 AM
Digital Dentistry : The changing world of Clinical Dentistry: Digital technologies have significantly changed the clinical approach to medicine and dentistry. Innovative operative techniques and restorative materials have paved the way to a significant active boost towards full digital workflows. As a consequence, both clinical procedures and laboratory methodologies are moving towards workflows oriented in an increasingly digital way. Moreover the outstanding mechanical characteristics of these digitally designed prosthesis has allowed dentists to reduce the biological sacrifice of bone and dental tissues, reinterpreting the operative procedure in a more conservative way. This session will highlight this digital workflow in clinical dentistry with the application of intraoral and extraoral scanners (IOSs) and advanced fabrication processes such as CAD/CAM technologies and 3D printing for the implementation of innovative metal-free dental materials, offering the chance to substitute conventional metal frameworks and improving the biomimetic and esthetic outcomes of restorations.